Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Group Meeting: Round 1


    Today in class, we had our first group meeting! Group meetings are when groups of 6 students meet and discuss each other's project. We give each other advice and help each other defeat an obstacles we might encounter. The most common issue was music. Finding royalty free music was very hard for all of us, one of us even gave up and added dialogue instead. 

    I showed them my videos and told them my whole plan/idea and they really liked it! I also really liked everyone else's idea too. I think my project was the one we spent the most time discussing! They opened up YouTube in their laptops and attempted to find me the right song since the one I want isn't royalty free and I still have yet to hear from the owners. 

    I really hope the next group meeting is just as productive. Wishing everyone's project has run as planned since we met!


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